
2024年将有新的退税! 我们的商用制冷返点已大幅增加. Find all updated rebate amounts and learn how you can get an instant rebate below.


厨房设备可以占到企业能源消耗的近75%. Our rebates help you save on upgrading to ENERGY STAR® and Food Service Technology Center-certified equipment that uses less energy and can therefore lower your bill. 即时领取返点: 参与当地和全国经销商 or apply below.

想了解更多关于这些回扣如何帮助您的业务的细节? Watch this video.

What you get

Browse the equipment categories below to see if we offer rebates that fit your needs. Then use our 餐饮退税菜单 以确定您的确切回扣金额. Your rebate cannot exceed the pre-tax, pre-installation purchase price of the equipment.

View the qualified product lists under "How you qualify" to see which products qualify for our rebates.

Cooking equipment
Deep vat fryers*
Natural gasUp to $4,000

Natural gasUp to $3,500

Cooktops & ranges
Natural gasUp to $3,000

Natural gasUp to $3,600

Conveyor toasters
Natural gasUp to $450

Steam tables
Natural gasUp to $1,800

Natural gasUp to $900

Holding bins
Natural gasUp to $2,700

Natural gasUp to $300

Convection ovens
Natural gasUp to $6,000

Combination ovens
Natural gasUp to $6,000

Rack ovens
Natural gasUp to $6,000

Deck ovens
Natural gasUp to $4,800

Conveyor ovens
Natural gasUp to $3,300

Rotisserie ovens
Natural gasUp to $3,500

Ice machines
Natural gasUp to $750

Natural gasUp to $2,000

Natural gasUp to $4,000

Natural gasUp to $8,775

Natural gas高达$2,500每HP**

资金可用性取决于年度计划预算. Equipment purchased on or after 1/1/24 will be eligible for 2024 rebate amounts. Prior purchases made in 2023 are eligible for the rebate amounts available in 2023.
*西雅图市PSE天然气客户不符合蒸汽船的条件, 洗碗机或一级煎锅的折扣 西雅图能源法规.
** This rebate is only available through participating instant rebate distributors.

Learn more 关于这个设备如何节省你的能源.

How you qualify


*西雅图市PSE天然气客户不符合蒸汽船的条件, dishwasher, 或一级煎锅折扣,由于 西雅图能源法规.

PSE reserves the right to inspect installations for qualification compliance prior to issuing payment. 您不得不适当或不合理地限制PSE进行检查的能力.

如果需要帮助验证你的资格,请联系 foodservice@kgfascist.com.

How you apply


1. 获得即时回扣

Purchase qualified equipment from participating distributors and receive your rebate right at checkout, no forms required! Check our list below to see if your local distributor is participating in our instant rebate option.

PSE commercial 食品设备 instant rebates are available at the following distributors. 

2. 在邮件中收到你的回扣

对于在我们的经销商名单之外购买合格设备的客户, 如果您按照以下步骤操作,您将直接从PSE获得退款. 购买完成后,您需要:




This 43-minute video is packed with great information about our 食品设备 rebates and how they can help your business use less energy and enjoy lower energy bills. Please note that the rebate values mentioned in this video are in reference to those available in 2023. Please open the 返款菜单 关于2024年可用的退税值.


Deep vat fryers

An ENERGY STAR® 经过认证的油炸工每年可以为你节省2000美元以上的能源账单. They can operate with up to 25% more energy efficiency than standard-efficiency fryers, and often enable shorter cook times and higher production rates so you can cook more food faster. In addition, the cost savings resulting from how the efficiency fryers handle cooking oil can increase your cost 再节省50%!


ENERGY STAR® 由于改进了恒温控制,商用烤盘效率很高, 加强绝缘, 提高生产能力,改善烹饪性能. 这些有单面和双面两种型号, so it’s easy to find one that can both suit your cooking needs and save energy on your bill.


An ENERGY STAR® certified connectionless steamer heats water from an internal reservoir instead 水连接,防止蒸汽在操作过程中逸出. 所以你只加热 you use and put it to work as efficiently as possible, saving you valuable money and energy.

一些水务公司还为合格的员工提供奖励, water- and energy-efficient commercial 食品设备. 一定要和你的供水商确认是否有任何可能的额外费用 对无连接轮船的激励措施.

Convection ovens

Energy-efficient electric and natural gas convection ovens cook with more than 70% and 40%, respectively, 比标准机型效率更高, respectively. Use PSE's incentives to save on qualifying convection ovens and lower your energy bills, 不管你做什么.

Combination ovens

The programmability of a combination oven (often called a "combi-oven") lets you cook food in a dry-heat mode, 蒸汽模式或两者都有不同的温度设置, 优化你的能源成本和能源使用.

Rack ovens

烤炉的用途非常广泛,可以用来烘焙, 大量烘烤或加热准备好的食物, 因此,它的能源效率对于保持企业的低能源账单至关重要. 不管你的菜单有多大, 在节能烤炉上使用PSE的激励措施是小菜一碟.

Deck ovens

Deck ovens vary from convection ovens in the way in which heat is transferred to the product being baked. 烤炉用传导热烘烤, which happens when heat travels directly from a hot stone or deck to the loaf of bread or sheet pan being baked. Doing so efficiently can save your business thousands of dollars over an inefficient model. PSE electric customers qualify for this rebate so choose an efficient model and get baking!

Conveyor ovens

传送带烤箱以恒定的速度在加热室中移动食物. They can handle high-volume production and can be stacked in multiples for a small footprint. Save up to $1,000 a year off your gas bill and get a rebate for this kitchen workhorse.

Ice makers

An ENERGY STAR® certified commercial ice maker can save your business an average of 15% on its energy cost without any loss of ice-harvesting power.

一些水务公司还为合格的员工提供奖励, 节水和节能商业食品服务设备. 一定要和你的供水商确认是否有任何可能的额外费用 incentives on commercial ice machines.


Energy-efficient commercial refrigerators and freezers are 25% more efficient than standard efficiency models and utilize various technology features to save energy and money. 比如电子换向电机, variable speed compressors and uniform cabinet temperatures all contribute to nearly $1,终身节省能源.


An ENERGY STAR® certified dishwasher is an average of 40% more water- and energy-efficient than a standard model, 有助于降低你的能源账单,减少浪费. 你的公用事业公司正在共同努力,使你可以获得这笔回扣. 要确认您是否符合特定型号的资格,请联系 foodservice@kgfascist.com (并准备好热水器燃料类型).

一些水务公司还为合格的员工提供奖励, 节水节能商用厨房设备. 一定要和你的供水商确认是否有任何可能的额外费用 incentives on commercial dishwashers.

Water heating

Using condensing water heating recovers heat that normally travels up your flue to the air outside, so improving its energy efficiency by 10% or more can add up to valuable energy savings.

PSE不为高效热水器提供客户回扣. To take advantage of these energy savings, please contact your local distributor. PSE has partnered with many local distributors to assist in transforming stocking practice in order to make efficient equipment available to you. 要利用这些节省,请联系您当地的经销商.








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